Git by default prefers BComp and it has ability to send request to existing BCompare process. In contrast, Beyond Compare has two executables: BCompare.exe is the GUI and actual diff tool and BComp.exe is a loader. It seems like VS2019 creates that temp file, send to WinMerge, but WinMerge terminates that new process immediately without any wait, VS2019 thought the diff is done thus clean up the temp file, but then the old WinMerge process pick up the diff request, unable to find the temp file. When I go to the temp directory, I can only see the first temp file.

Also works if I don't use -s or single instance mode in options, but then it will open two windows instead of adding a new tab, which I prefer. The exact same setup works with Beyond Compare.

When I diff the next pair, WinMerge shows error saying "Cannot open file C:\Users\CrendKing\AppData\Local\Temp\TFSTemp\vctemp12345_". When I diff the first pair of files, everything works fine. The "Git Changes" tab shows all the changed files.

WinMerge registry is completely empty and all settings default.